
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Two sets of tags

Okay, so I've been tagged too many times to count for two different items (and there's no one left to tag, so don't be looking for any more). The first one is on reading, the second one (as promised) is about wishful thinking, "If I could...."

1) Total number of books I’ve owned: Oh, goodness gracious! I couldn't even begin to imagine. 1000 easy. Seriously. And that's not counting the additional several hundered that I have borrowed from the library or friends, or the ones that live at my parents' house (Dad has more than I do).

2) The last book I bought: Geez, um.... Well, today I bought The Foot Book, by Dr. Seuss, but that wasn't for me, so I'm not sure it counts. (Actually, it was for me in a way, as I'm tired of reading the same 3 board books to Luke in the mornings.) And I recently bought two other books as a birthday gift for a friend. The last "real" book I bought for me was, er, uh ... I seriously can't remember! It's been that long since I've read something, much less bought a book, thanks to having a baby. I still need to pre-order the new Harry Potter and the new Diana Gabaldon.

3) The last book I read: Seabiscuit, by Laura Hillenbrand

4) 5 books that mean a lot to me (not those I think are the best, but ones that have a special place for me):
  • The Harry Potter books, by J.K. Rowling, because they reminded me what it was like to see the world in a more magical light
  • The Outlander series, by Diana Gabaldon, because those characters are so very real to me
  • The Dragon Prince trilogy by Melanie Rawn, because as stupid as it sounds, I learned a lot about love from those books (I was a teenager when I first read them)
  • Memnoch the Devil, by Anne Rice, because I love books that make me think about religion in a different way
  • The Deep Sea, by Joseph Wallace (long out of print), because after becoming fascinated with it as a small child, discovering this book at Sam's Club as a teenager (LONG before the movie) rekindled my interest in the RMS Titanic (leading to a collection of over 30 books), and also introduced me to the world of deep sea archaeology and marine biology that has fascinated me ever since (adding an additional 10-15 books to my collection, many by Dr. Robert Ballard, discoverer of the Titanic *and* the "black smoker" hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor)
5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out on their blogs: Can't! Everyone I know has already been tagged! Oh well.

Second one:
Choose 5 and complete the sentence...

If I could be a scientist . . .
If I could be a farmer . . .
If I could be a musician . . .
If I could be a doctor . . .
If I could be a painter . . .
If I could be a gardener . . .
If I could be a missionary . . .
If I could be a chef . . .
If I could be an architect . . .
If I could be a linguist . . .
If I could be a psychologist . . .
If I could be a librarian . . .
If I could be an athlete . . .
If I could be a lawyer . . .
If I could be an inn-keeper . . .
If I could be a professor . . .
If I could be a writer . . .
If I could be a llama-rider . . .
If I could be a bonnie pirate . . .
If I could be an astronaut . . .
If I could be a world famous blogger . . .
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world . . .
If I could be married to any current famous political figure . . .

If I could be a scientist . . . I would be a marine archaeologist and go work with Dr. Bob Ballard studying sunken ships all over the world.

If I could be a musician . . . I would join up with Yanni or Josh Groban so that I could be there to listen to them every night. Or, I would make sure I was a part of whatever orchestra John Williams uses to record movie soundtracks.

If I could be an architect . . . I would live in Italy and study all of the wonders there, old and new.

If I could be a librarian . . . I would spend all day looking at old books, just revelling in the feel and smell of them.

If I could be a professor . . . I would teach beginning computing to older adults, because it is such an important skill in today's world, and I've been told I have a "knack" for it.

Currently feeling: geeky

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