
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The URL Alphabet Meme

Snitched from The Weather Goddess.

Instructions: Press each letter in the address bar of your browser and list what the auto-complete function jumps to first.

A - Absolutely Paper (from hunting for Christmas cards!)
B - Baby Center Newborn to 2 month development
C - mostly my hard drive; first real URL: Candy - Microwave Pralines (I love this recipe, BTW, but I just make it on the stove using a candy thermometer)
D - Dark Horizons Star Wars III synopsis (not a film review, just brief plot summary, and no spoilers to anyone who knows anything about the franchise)
E - Elfinlady's Forest (Cris's blog)
F - Fandango, where I get most of my movie times
G - Geek Links (dang, I can't even tell you the last time I went there!)
H - Hackenslash review of a Star Wars game (sequel to KOTOR, doing research for DH)
I - Google Image Search, great for finding emoticons
J - J.K. Rowling's official site (text only version)
K - KnitPicks Simple Stripes Yarn
L - LEGO Star Wars game (come now, you're not really surprised are you?)
M - M&M's Chocolate M-pire, with great destop wallpaper
N - Needlecraft Corner, one of my most favorite online shops
O - Online Conversion, mostly used for F to C temp conversions for my "foreign" friends
P - The Wagon BB (pub095...)
Q - Quilt Block Coloring Pages (no, I don't quilt, but I'd love to learn)
R - Recipe Zaar, my favorite recipe site
S - mostly search results; first real URL: A Needle Pulling Thread (Terri's blog)
T - Taggies blankets (I'd love one for Luke, preferably the 18-inch one, but they're so expensive! I have contemplated making my own though, and I had the idea before I found Taggies)
U - IMDb News, which I try to read daily
V - Wandering Cross Stitcher (Ginny's blog)
W - Baby Blues Comic Strip (via the Washington Post)
X - Using PHP or SSI "includes" (love the idea, but I need to learn more CSS to use it, I think)
Y - Yahoo
Z - Nothing

Currently feeling: clever

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