
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I can see it is going to be one of *those* weeks

::sigh:: Luke broke his arm yesterday. I'll give the full details later, I just wanted to put it here for now so you would know. Very minor; the radiologist isn't even positive it is broken (head of the radius where it meets the elbow, and non-displaced), but better safe than sorry. He's in a soft cast right now. We'll see the Orthopedic arm and wrist specialist on Thursday.

Didn't have time to really post this yesterday because, well, I was just too darn tired! Put Luke to bed at 6:45; he had no nap yesterday (other than about 30 minutes in the car after we left the ER), so he was flat out exhausted, and I was in bed myself by about 7. I'm only up and awake now because DH is upstairs throwing up. Luke will probably be awake in the next 30-60 minutes, so no real point in going back to sleep.

Yeah, great week so far.

Currently feeling: sheesh


  1. When it rains, it pours!

    Hang in there.

    Love, Papa

  2. Ugh, you poor thing (and poor Luke. And poor DH). This sounds like a "Calgon, take me away" week if there ever was one! :)

  3. {{Erin and Family}} I hope Luke's arm doesn't turn out as bad as it sounds. So sorry about both of them.

  4. {{{{Erin and family}}}} I hope everyone recovers soon

  5. If your blog was fiction, I'd say there were too many doctor trips for plausibility. I hope everyone is better soon!

  6. Oh, Erin, I'm so sorry!! Well, I broke my leg when I was two, and I totally survived, so he'll be fine. Mom said I was so good while they put on the cast, then when they were done, I said, "OK, you can take it off now...." I hope your DH feels better and that you fight off whatever he has!!

  7. Oh no. Hugs to you all - gentle ones for Luke. I hope you all feel better soon.

  8. Oh no! Poor boy. Poor you. Fingers crossed for a fast mend (I think bones do heal faster in young children). Dare I ask how it happened? Niamh is going to be the daredevil bone-breaker in our family, I can just tell... already!


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