
Friday, October 03, 2008

My Five Year Blog-iversary

Today is the 5th anniversary of my first ever blog post. Wow, I really can't believe it has been that long. I can't believe I have actually kept it up that long! I never was able to keep a journal via paper and pen for more than a month or two. I guess maybe it was because I didn't have an audience, besides myself? Or maybe it is as simple as I prefer to type. Who knows, but it has been a really great experience for me, and I hope you all have enjoyed reading along. Here's to another 5 years!
Currently feeling: celebratory


  1. Congratulations!! It's gotta be at least partly the accountability!

  2. wow-you were a blogger before blogging was cool and way before it then became uncool when everyone had one. congrats.

  3. Happy Birthday, Erin's blog :) (This is Mel - blogger not accepting my OpenID for some reason)

  4. Congratulations on 5 years!! It is possible that the feedback you get from readers plays a part in you enjoying blogging enough to continue doing it. :)

    Either way, Congrats!!


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