
Monday, December 15, 2008

The Christmas Crunch

Well, it has started, the Christmas Crunch. I actually feel like I am doing fairly well for once, which means I am going to be smacked down at some point. Cards are done and mailed (except two, which will go out today because it took me this long to find the new addresses!). Gifts I have here that need to be mailed are all wrapped, boxed, and addressed, they just need to make it to the post office. I feel a little behind on the food planning, but I hope to catch up on that today. Nothing is wrapped for anyone who will be here next week, but that's okay, there's still time.

The big project this weekend was finally deciding on and purchasing a new TV. No, there's nothing wrong with the old one, other than it is about 5 years old and the technology is even older than that (rear screen projection, and I don't mean DLP). And DH has TV envy now that my parents and brother both have flat panels! LOL It was showing "1-2 weeks" on Amazon when we ordered it, so I am highly doubting that it will be here by Christmas (though it would be really nice if it was!). That's okay, it should give us time to get the stand assembled before delivery, assuming we get the missing parts we need (need to call about that today).

Had a vendor lunch last week at The Oceanaire in midtown. Will try to get that written up this week. Thought I would do it this weekend but, well, see above paragraphs regarding TV selection and mailing items. Hope you all are feeling the Christmas spirit! I finally am, and it's nice.

Currently feeling: somewhat prepared for Christmas week

1 comment:

  1. I'm finally feeling the Christmas spirit too - I think it always takes me getting the bulk of the "stuff" done before I can relax and enjoy the season.


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