
Friday, July 31, 2009

July 2009 Round Up

Created using Big Huge Labs Mosaic Maker.
Click mosaic to biggify, or see my July 2009 Project 365 Posts.

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
None. I was too busy reading online about various liver diseases in cats.

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Still watching The Closer, In Plain Sight, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Watched various documentaries on the space program that featured this month due to the 40th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. They also reran the 8-part miniseries Cronkite Remembers on Discovery. I've managed 6 of the 8 episodes so far, and I have greatly enjoyed it.

Movie theater-wise, we saw Up again at the theater and took Luke. He liked it, but I know he didn't really "get it." We also saw Ice Age 3, which was not quite as good as the original, but infinitely better than the second one (which we did not like at all). May yet take Luke to see that one as well. We'll see.

At home, I didn't do a very good job of tracking what we watched, but I also know we (I) watched a whole lot less TV during the week than I have the past few months. Had other things on my mind. We got The Matrix on Blu-ray and watched that the evening of my birthday. I think Luke watched Disney's Hercules for rest time for at least half of the weekend afternoons this month. Watched Disney's Peter Pan a few times as well. Oh, and he saw Disney's Sleeping Beauty for the first time. That's all I can really think of at the moment.

What special days did I celebrate and how?
DH and I went out just the two of us for dinner and a movie for our anniversary. We even got a little bit dressed up!

My birthday was at the end of the month, but by the time it came, we had spent so much time and money on Tigger that there wasn't much left for my birthday. I got quite a few cards from friends and family, which was great, and an Amazon gift certificate from Annette (thank you!). Tigger gave me the only thing I truly wanted this year: she started eating and feeling better!

What gifts did I give and/or receive?
My parents had my pink Holly Hobby quilt repaired for my birthday. That whole story will be on the blog later. Thank you so much, Mom and Dad! It looks fabulous, especially for being 30+ years old.

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
Besides Tigger going into liver failure for no reason we can figure out? Let's see... I got dreadfully sick in the middle of the month, probably a combination of lack of sleep, stress, lack of humidity, and allergies. Took me most of the month to really kick it, and I can still feel it hanging out a little in my chest. Luke has also been complaining that one of his knees is hurting. We're keeping an eye on it. I think it is a combination of growing and bumping it pretty good several days ago. We'll see how long the complaints of pain last, then decide what to do.

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
All sorts of visitors this month, either them coming or us going. I got to see Kelli and Eric again and meet their beautiful son Owen, which was previously recorded on the blog.

I got to see my aunt and cousin from New Mexico, albeit briefly. I wish we could have stayed longer and spent more time with them, but we had so much going on that weekend, and I felt so bad with the respiratory thing I had. Back row: cousin T, Uncle A, his wife L, my dad, DH. Front row: my mom, Aunt D, Luke, Me

We also spent a couple of days at my parents' house, hitting the beach (which was awful) and visiting the Georgia Sea Turtle Center on Jekyll Island. The other big event of that weekend took place August 1, so you'll read about it next time.

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
I don't think I did. Certainly nothing comes immediately to mind. Too much else to do.

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
A feeding tube for my cat? Definitely the most unusual thing we have "bought" recently. I'm really ready to return it, thankyouverymuch. Hopefully in another week or so.

What were this month's disappointments?
There were so many with Tigger's health, but she seems to be doing well now, so I can't complain. We did find out that our work volumes are not likely to be any better next year than they were this year, which is not a good thing at all. There is no talk of laying off or cutting back hours, yet. Time will tell.

What were my accomplishments this month?
Getting a little behind on the 101 Things list. Twenty-ish percent of the time has passed, but I'm only up to 15%. There are another 9 in progress, though. I did get one done, and it was unexpected.

66. Have my Holly Hobby quilt repaired. I gave this quilt to my parents several years ago, when my dad found out someone he knew repaired quilts. For all sorts of reasons, it never came to be with her, and the quilt stayed at their house. When I made the list, I had decided to get the quilt back at some point and find someone to repair it myself. Unbeknownst to me, they had a plan to get it repaired themselves and surprise me with it. They just gave it to me on our visit at the end of the month. More on that story in a later blog entry. So it's done, and I didn't even have to do it myself. Excellent! LOL

Still doing fine on Project 365. It was a little Tigger heavy this month, but I think that is understandable.

What were Luke's accomplishments this month?

He survived, which may have been its own accomplishment. He was quite tired and whiny this month, which I hope is just due to a growth spurt. There was a lot of "unusualness" and routine disruptions going on this month with visitors and travel and Tigger, which likely didn't help. He finished swimming lessons, and he has come *so* far with that. He is just on the verge of being able to actually swim. I hope he doesn't lose it all between now and the fall when classes start back again at Tech. His teachers at daycare are all very complimentary of his behavior and his progress. They think he will do wonderfully at Pre-K in a week or so.

Anything else noteworthy to record?
It has been a very very mild July so far, temperature wise. Pretty amazing, actually. It has also been quite dry, from a humidity perspective, though. I think that is at least partly what has been bothering my respiratory system lately. The air is just so dry!

Monthly Round Up courtesy of Katie the Scrapbook Lady.

Currently feeling: long month; hope August is a bit calmer

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