
Monday, July 26, 2010

My 34th birthday gift: Meeting my new niece

Okay, time to talk about the special thing I got to do for my birthday weekend this year! We drove once again to North Carolina to visit DH's brother and family and to meet our new niece! Our previous trip in April was for niece N's second birthday, only a few weeks before her new little sister was due to make her appearance in this world. We were not able to meet N until she was almost 6 months old, and we wanted to do everything possible to meet our new niece sooner. I present Miss M:

I think I just lost my husband to a younger woman! LOL We truly had an excellent trip. We didn't have any plans for this trip, we simply wanted to spend time with all of them and follow their schedule as needed, which is always subject to the whims of an infant. As much fun as we had at N's birthday party, and as much as we enjoy SIL's family, it was nice to spend time with just them this trip.

Luke has never really been around a baby, and he had no idea what to make of M. He certainly doesn't seem anxious to have a little brother or sister (fine with us! LOL). He wanted to be near her some, but when I did this, he was completely confused:

I've already mentioned my grandfather's stroke. I know my father hated sending that message on my actual birthday, but such is life. At least I had distractions to keep me from fretting all weekend. BIL and SIL were kind enough to get me a birthday cake (which was excellent!), everyone sang happy birthday (and N didn't cry!), and I got the sweetest card from my nieces, complete with sticker badge:

What more could an aunt wish for on her birthday?

Currently feeling: festive


  1. Haha...looks like Luke and I have the same reaction when someone gives us a baby to hold.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY (late and all)!!!

  2. That's a fantastic pic of your DH!!!


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