
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Luke's Official 7 Year Old Stats

Finally, I have Luke's official 7 year old statistics growth statistics. You have to make your "well visit" appointments about a month in advance. I originally had it scheduled for the last week of October, then discovered that it occurred during the week of standardized testing for first grade. I know those test scores can make a big difference to the teacher, so I rescheduled the appointment. By then, November 17 is the best I could get. On the one hand, six weeks late doesn't seem like a big deal. On the other hand, I think he grew at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch in those six weeks! Drumroll please....

Height: 51 in/ 129 cm (90th percentile), up 2.5 inches/6.35 cm from last year
Weight: 62 lb/ 28.1 kg/ 4.43 stone (85th percentile), up 4 lb/ 1.8 kg from last year

Overall, everything looked great, except for one minor issue: he did not pass the hearing screening. The nurse ran it twice and got the same failing result. She did say that she suspected it was just wax in his ear (his ears are very waxy; always have been). But when the doctor checked it out, she said there was actually very little wax in his ear and had the test rerun. Three more attempts, and three more failures. She said he should be able to hear the sounds around 20 deicbels, definitely by 30, but it was taking until around 40 before he would indicate that he heard it. We're being referred to an audiologist. :-( I can't help but wonder if it is the same fluid problem he was diagnosed with right before speech therapy. Guess we'll find out. I'll let you know how it goes whenever we get an appointment.

Currently feeling: frustrated

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