
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Super Summer 2012 - Mission Log, Day 3

We took it easy today. I have been terribly tired the last couple of days for no real reason. I even slept an extra 45 minutes this morning while Luke watched TV and ate breakfast, but I was still tired.We were quite surprised when the doorbell rang around 10 AM.

Oooh, thank you, Uncle Jacob!! I think I've accidentally created a puzzle junkie. Gee, I wonder which one Luke started with?

Other than helping him flip over the pieces, I didn't help at all. He got a little frustrated when he was just over half way done, which took almost 45 minutes. He had several large-ish chunks done, but he couldn't make them fit together. Plus, it was getting close to snack time. He agreed to take a break and come back to it later. He ate a little, played Wii for about 30 minutes, then did his reading for the day. It was painful, but he got it done all in one shot.

He played downstairs for about 30 minutes, we ate lunch (calorie management for Luke is key to having a good day) and watched Mythbusters, then we returned to the puzzle. All done, and all by himself (with a little guidance from me).

Now what? He had spontaneously asked about playdough over the weekend. Making homemade playdough was one of the activities I had in mind for us this summer, but I hadn't mentioned that to him. When he asked about it Sunday afternoon, I put him off until today so we'd have something to do. I used this recipe, and it turned out really nice! Easy to make and very smooth; it feels really good in your hands.

I didn't use the gel food coloring, so the color isn't as vibrant (and it is more of a true light blue in person, not the greenish color the photos show on my monitor), but Luke loves it, which is all that really matters. He played with it for over an hour! I'm not sure how durable it is or if it will dry out despite being in a sealed container, but even if it does, it was cheap and easy to make, so we'll just make more. We only did the blue today. I'll get to the other colors in the next couple of days.

By this point, it was time for another snack. Then he played with some of his building toys for about 45 minutes until DH got home. They are now playing Wii for about an hour until dinner is ready. So, not the most exciting day, but still some fun to be had.

Currently feeling: puzzled

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