
Monday, July 02, 2012

Manicure Experiments

When I'm getting ready to take my nail polish off, I like to play around with my nails. I'm about to take it off anyway, no harm done if I mess it up. I decided to do a quick experiment with my existing manicure on Friday. I had seen people using scotch tape to do some pretty nifty designs on their nails. Chloe's Nails has an excellent tutorial. I did a very simple wedge shape using two straight tape edges. I actually think it looks quite spiffy, especially for my first try. This is also my first "accent nail." I did it on both hands. Not sure that's how it's supposed to be, but they're my nails! LOL

I also swatched some of my newer polishes, since I was in "take the polish off" mode. And I'm posting pictures just for Cheryl, since she asked about them last time! LOL I didn't bother cleaning these up, since they were "just to see" so excuse the mess on my fingers.

Thumb: Orly Synchro (love it! great duochrome, pink base changes to orange and purple), Pointer: Nina Ultra Pro Molten Copper (also duochrome, golden base changes to orange and green), Middle: Nina Ultra Pro Purple-Xing (holo glitter), Ring: Confetti Glam'd Up, Pinky: Confetti Tahitian Turquoise

These Sally Hansen HDs were on clearance at CVS. Thumb: Spectrum, Pointer: Laser, Middle: DVD (love it!), Ring: Byte, Pinky: LCD (super sheer, but less orange IRL than it appears here, more bubble gum pink)

Now, the earlier experiment wasn't "just because" either. I had an idea! Given how well the tape worked, I put my plan into action Sunday night. I "auditioned" 5 blues and 5 reds (no pics, sorry), and went with the two I liked best. (I would have guessed correctly on which red to use, but the winning blue was a bit of a surprise.) So, here are the results of last night's efforts. It's not perfect by any means, but I am pleased as punch! Even DH commented (completely unprompted) that it looks nice.

Full details: one coat Seche Clear, two coats color (Milani Bet on Red or Orly Stone Cold), stripe is Milani Silver Stilettos, two coats Seche Vite on top (the tape pulled up a couple of small spots of the color polish when removed, so I used two coats to try and seal it down super well).

Currently feeling: just a little bit proud of myself


  1. I love your super hero polish. It's GREAT! I also love, love, love the purple glittery polish on your middle finger. What do you do to clean up your edges. I'm always trying to be perfect but I can see maybe your technique works better. Put on the polish, then clean up the edges!

  2. Very cool!! Looks great too!

  3. OMG! I MUST acquire that Orly Synchro!!!! Complete love and adoration. Thanks for showing your live swatches. Inquiring minds need enabling you know!

  4. Very festive for the Fourth!! Love 'em! Thanks for posting the tutorial link...I'd been thinking about doing something like that on my toes with a raspberry solid and a raspberry/blue glitter polish I found, but I was convinced it'd look crappy if I tried to stripe it myself!


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