
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trip to The Fox: Blue Man Group

This weekend, it was my privilege to do one of those things I've dreamed of doing with Luke since he was born. We've done three already: first trip to Disney, first ride on a roller coaster, and first Cirque du Soleil show. This weekend was: take him to The Fox Theatre here in Atlanta.

We went to see Blue Man Group,which was a new experience for all of us. I've known about them for many years, probably close to when they first started, but it just never worked out for us to see them. I started scanning The Fox schedule a couple of years ago to find the right thing to take him to, but everything appropriate was either at a time we could not attend, or arrived when I was unemployed (so we couldn't afford it). When I saw the signs for Blue Man Group in December, I knew we'd finally found the right confluence of event and timing.

The show itself was great, but of course, pictures of the performance were not permitted. For years, photos inside The Fox were also not permitted, but I guess they decided it wasn't worth the time and effort of policing people anymore with all the cell phone cameras. So I took some pictures while we waited!

It actually was not Luke's first visit to The Fox; he went with his school sometime last year. I was very disappointed that his first visit would not be with me, but I wasn't going to say he couldn't go on the field trip, either. And they didn't go to the balcony, which is way more awesome, in my opinion! LOL A few pictures to demonstrate:

I'm sure you've heard me say it before, but The Fox Theatre is truly one of my most favorite places in the world. Building was completed in 1929, and was saved from demolition at the last minute in the 1970s. Thank goodness! I can't imagine Atlanta without this beautiful downtown jewel in its crown. The attention to detail is amazing; it reminds me a bit of Disney in that way. You are totally immersed in an exotic atmosphere, complete with tent canopy and twinkling stars in the twilight sky. The number of children who ask "are we outside?" as the arrive on the balcony always makes me smile. Some more detail shots:

For a sense of scale, those lights are at least 4 feet long (1.2 m), and the arches in the balcony (second picture immediately above) are 8-ish feet tall (2.4 m). You can't actually watch anything from that balcony area. #1: They wouldn't be very good seats, since they face the audience more than the stage. And #2: They were never meant for anyone to sit there. They're actually hiding the pipes for the Might Mo organ, which we did not get to see this trip. Guess we'll just have to take Luke back to see a movie this summer, when they have a sing-a-long with the organ before the show starts. Can't wait!
Currently feeling: so excited to finally get to use this emoticon that I've been saving for *years* just for this moment (and yes, we got to see them do this)

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