
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Finished! Midsummer Night's Fairy

She's FINALLY done! Midsummer Night's Fairy by Mirabilia, started sometime early in 2001 (maybe late 2000), finished May 17, 2014. 13+ years in the making, minus about 8 years when I didn't stitch (something about having a baby/toddler/child).

Click to biggify.

Cross stitch and beads on 28 ct Antique Lavender Permin Linen. Probably about 100 hours of work. She measures about 12 in x 19 in (31 cm x 48 cm). Haven't washed and pressed her yet, as she still has some traveling to do.

Click to biggify.

This is only my second Mirabilia finish, and the first one I get to keep for me! I am absolutely thrilled! I'm stitching both of her "sisters" (Adia and Titania), so I'll wait until those are also done to have her framed along with the other two so they can coordinate. Hopefully it won't take another 13 years!

Currently feeling: ridiculously excited!


  1. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Congratulations! The beading looks fantastic!

  2. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  3. Beautiful, Congratulations

  4. Congratulations, she's gorgeous

  5. WOO HOOOOOO!!! Congratulations!!!! That is a major accomplishment...I still haven't finished one. =)


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