
Monday, July 06, 2015

WIPocalypse 2015 - July 2015, First Moon

I need to hurry up and get this posted before the second July update is due! I had a great June, but I don't have a ton of pictures to show for it. Let's do the topic first, though.

Topic: Reality or Fantasy - Which do you prefer to stitch, figures or abstract?

Funny question. The reason I say that is that, had you asked me that question a year ago, I would have said figures. Maybe not "real" per se (unless you have dragons and fairies where you live), but not abstract. Then I discovered the Glendon Place Dessert Mandalas. You may have noticed that I'm working on a few of them (as in 3 so far). Definitely not figures! So, at this point, it's hard for me to say. I like what I like, and I stitch what I like. Sometimes that's figures, sometimes it's not. :-)

I did a little bit of shopping. I ordered from a new-to-me fabric dyer, Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie. She had a sale on select colors, so I thought I would try a few. This is the first time I've ever bought fabric without having a predetermined project for each piece. I have some in mind for a couple of the colors, but the others were to have on hand just because I like them. So fun!

Tiramisu, by Glendon Place

I got quite a bit done on Tiramisu. I did all of that in about 8 days. It just clicks right along. I got to show it off at both of my stitching get-togethers in June! There weren't any pictures taken at the first one; we were too busy talking to get any stitching done. This is what happens when you go nearly 3 years without seeing your friends! One gets married and changes careers, the other fights off cancer. We've had a lot going on! But we're all doing well now, which is the point.

The second get-together involved driving through the Tennessee mountains. It should tell my friends a lot about how much I love them that I'm willing to do that just to see them! I stopped at the Tennessee Welcome Center in Chattanooga for a break. They give out free (tiny) Moon Pies, made right in the city.

And for the record, I do NOT recommend trying to crush your hand between the back of a chair and a metal door frame, especially your dominant hand. It hurts. A lot. For a good 10 days. I found writing, eating with a fork, and typing to be the most painful.

We went shopping, but I didn't buy anything. (Shocking, I know!) I did *finally* start Taj Mahal, though. Here's my first stitch:
My very first stitch in Taj Mahal, by Chatelaine

And my current progress (not much, I know; I haven't stitched since I got back):
Taj Mahal, by Chatelaine

I did also do a little bit of filling in the white on Titania's dress, but I didn't get a before picture. I hope to make some more progress on her before the second July update, and I'll do a "full body shot" of her then.

And with that, I will sign off. I'll catch up with you again at the end of the month.
Currently feeling: ready for the blue moon

1 comment:

  1. Nice progress. That thread you're using on Taj Mahal is so pretty.


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