
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lifelong Dream: 5th Grade Safety Patrol

Achievement Unlocked: Fifth Grade Safety Patrol
I still remember Luke coming home from school after his first day at Kindergarten telling me all about how the fifth graders got to stand outside and help kids get on and off the bus. He was completely enraptured with the Fifth Grade Safety Patrol from the very first day! And every year, he has talked about how he wanted to be one when he got to 5th grade.

It wasn't necessarily guaranteed. You had to be recommended by your teachers (which I knew wouldn't be an issue), but you also had to maintain a certain grade point average, which I think was all A's and B's, but he was close to having a C more than once near the end of fourth grade, so we had to discuss the fact that he might not get it and that he needed to work harder. But he did pull up his C, and we received the notification at the beginning of this year that he would be a patrol. However, they rotate 9 weeks on and 9 weeks off, so he didn't start (or get his spiffy sash and badge) until today.

Congratulations, Luke, on fulfilling a lifelong dream! Wishing you many more successes such as this.

Currently feeling: so proud

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