
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Work stinks, then you get fired (no, not yet)

Sorry everyone. Work has just been completely bonkers. And since I do most of my blogging from work, I just haven't had the time to come over here to wow you with my writing. (Ha ha) BTW, no word yet on an official date for our "major and devastating" headcount cuts. Rumor mill is reporting March 8. We shall see.

In baby news, all seems to be well. "Morning sickness" seems to be getting worse, but it's still just nausea, and usually comes on worse as the day progresses (guess that should be night sickness). As long as I keep nibbling on crackers or something, I'm okay. Not great, but okay. I'm officially 8 weeks tomorrow, so (hopefully) only a few more weeks of such annoyances to go. Then I get a whole set of new ones! LOL

I'll be out of town this weekend, on my way to Myrtle Beach for a cross stitching retreat called "Stitching at the Beach." Teresa Wentzler of TW Designworks, Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams Designs, and Karen Weaver of Black Swan Designs will each be teaching a half day class with an exclusive chart. I did this same trip with these lovely ladies three years ago, and I had an absolute blast! Given the craziness of work, I am SOOO ready. And for anyone worried about me advertising being gone on the internet, I am leaving my poor husband behind, so the house will not be unoccupied. He'll be fiddling with our new computers all weekend, I'm sure. So, I won't be back here until Monday, but I promise a full trip report as soon as possible. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I sure intend to.

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