
Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Blogging Year in Review 2005

Snitched from Whiz. This is all I can manage for tonight. I'll try to post a more thorough (and traditional) recap later this week.

Instructions: take the first sentence (or 2) from the first post of each month of 2005. That's your year in review.

January: Happy New Year... from the Gastons. Here's Luke's official Christmas snapshot. My goodness, was he *ever* really that tiny? You surely wouldn't know it now. I should post a pic from this Christmas for comparison. Probably will later.

February: How many times have those who know me heard me say that I know *tons* more women than men who watch SpikeTV, so *why* is it so irksomely being billed as a man's station? Neilson releasing numbers showing that 42% of SpikeTV's viewers are female. ROTFL!!

March: I've seen these same questions/comments made over and over again, so I thought I would address them real quick while I was thinking about it. LOL Me trying to show that I do know something about the Oscars, despite doing so horribly at guessing the winners in 2005. Too bad it wasn't the next entry, which discussed our freak March snowstorm.

April: Okay, so I know this seems to have become the Luke blog, but it *is* a place for me to write about what is going on in my life, and well, Luke is a huge portion of that. Luke learned to sit without support. Now he climbs all over the couch like a monkey.

May: Thank goodness it's... Monday? I know, that has to be one of the strangest statements you've ever read, particularly coming from me. But, I pretty much had a crappy weekend all the way around. Ah yes, our disasterous outing to our friend Ina's birthday party. Luke pretty much screamed and cried the whole time, and then we left. Stranger anxiety to the max. Thank goodness that has mellowed significantly.

June: Whenever I miss my old job.... A Baby Blues cartoon that really made me laugh. I love Baby Blues!

July: So sorry to fall off the face of the earth there. I knew July was going to be insanely busy, but I didn't fully realize just exactly *how* much it was going to take out of me. Which actually has nothing to do with the post, which talked about the deaths of the voices of Tigger and Piglet.

August: Sorry I haven't been around. Combination of not much to say, and not really feeling like saying much even when I did. I'm just feeling rather frayed lately. Nothing in particular, nothing to worry about. Again, not really what this entry was about. It discussed the fact that it was "so cold" here for a change (highs in the mid-70s, which is exceptionally cool for August).

September: Naturally, we got the long form on the census. I thought they only did this every 10 years, but what do I know. Me getting a kick out of the census questions and answers, or lack there of.

October: Well, since I've started my own meme, I guess I should actually support a few others, no? Funny, just this topic came up on a meme this week, a new one called The A List that is run by a couple of lovely ladies I know. Geez, I don't even know if that meme is still running. I haven't done it or any other meme (mine included) in ages. I am still posting questions to my own meme, I just never get around to answering them for myself. How sad.

November: A Buzz-y Halloween. Okay, so that's the best I could do in the clever title department. Not bad, though, I don't think. Lots of pictures of Luke dressed up for his first ever Trick-or-Treating Halloween. He looked so cute!!!

December: If it ain't broke.... Don't fix it. Just redecorate it! LOL Thus, you will notice that this new (temporary, of course) color scheme looks remarkably like my old one, at least in style. Oh, the irony, given that this will be the last post I make using this color scheme. I'll change it back next time. Just don't have the energy right now.

Well, our holidays were happy. Hope yours were, too. Wishing you all the best in 2006!

Currently feeling: festive

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting thing to do. Rarely do I look back at old entries, so it was kind of a trip!


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