
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Too good to be true

by Kamla

I should have known. They always say that if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. But this was not a commercial or a sales pitch or a scam. This was a friend. And she didn't do anything wrong; it's not her fault. I guess that's just life.

Jennifer (former/supposed to be again boss) called today. *Her* boss is having issues with my proposed work hours. He's not sure this is going to work out. He wants to mull it over before giving the official go ahead. He'll let us know in two weeks (does that length of time seem a little ridiculous to anyone besides me?).

I've known this was brewing for a while. It is one of the two glitches I mentioned yesterday. She told me Monday that he was surprised that I wouldn't be working standard hours. She told him she didn't see the big deal. "Well, I was planning to use her some as well." Jennifer replied that this was not communicated to her before she went out looking for someone. "I just assumed you would be hiring someone who would be working normal hours." Now, in his defense, that *is* a reasonable assumption, generally speaking. But, he should have told her he was planning to use my services when she came to him about needing more help. Had that been the case (he wants me for conference calls and things), she would have known then that someone working off hours would not work very well, so she never would have approached me in the first place. He never said anything. She told him she needed help, asked if she could hire someone to do x, y, and z tasks, and he said yes, hire whoever you'd like. So she did. And now he's saying he's not comfortable with her choice. Make up your mind!

She's going to bat for me, she's fighting for me. She told him that this is the work that she is having to do at night because she doesn't have time during the day. What is the difference between her doing it at night and *me* doing it at night? She also mentioned that the company providing me as a contractor to her (but not the staffing agency who is actually paying me; it's so messed up) has already invested in a computer and everything, which is currently in my possession. It's not like the ball isn't rolling on this already. In fact, it has picked up quite a bit of steam. (Not that I've actually worked yet, due to a missing security device that I have yet to receive, but he doesn't know that.) She told him that these were the things she needed done, and that as an industrial engineer, I have the skills and the knowledge. Plus, I am a known quantity, so she doesn't have to worry about my abilities, or how well I "play with others," or my work ethic, or anything else. We just don't understand what the issue is. But in the end, he is the one who has to approve this, so it is ultimately his decision.

And what is the two week wait going to accomplish? If he is that convinced that it won't work out, then just tell us now! Don't make all of us agonize over the wait. Or, assuming we can get the security issues fixed, give me a two week trial. If you still think after the two weeks that it won't work, get rid of me. It will only have cost you two weeks of pay, Jen will have gotten a little bit of relief even if only for a brief time, and I will have made a little bit of extra money in the process (always a good thing).

If he had said he wanted to think about it and would give us an answer on Monday, I would think that might be in my favor. Maybe he just wants to take the weekend to convince himself it is okay. But I certainly don't see how waiting two weeks can be a good thing for me. She in no way implied this, but *I* think he took some of her remarks to mean "I've found the right person, and I don't think you can do better." He's going to spend the next two weeks looking for someone he approves of (skills and hours) and present that person to her as an alternative. Just my suspicion. But again, if that is the case, then just go ahead and tell her that he doesn't think it will work with my schedule and he will hire someone else to help her. Why drag it all out? It isn't good for anyone, including Jennifer, who is getting no help or relief in the meantime, plus she feels guilty about offering me something that she is now unable to come through on (through no fault of her own, but I know it bothers her). ::sigh::

Currently feeling: baffled


  1. Hey, how weird is that? We're both having crazy job weeks. Hope it works out, it sounds like it would be great for you.

  2. You know, that kind of corporate BS really ticks me off. Who CARES when you get your work done as long as you GET IT DONE?!?!?!?!

    Sheesh. Talk about annoying. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it works out for you!

  3. I suspect that you are right and Jen's boss wants to see if he can find a more ideal candidate in his eyes.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too! After all, good help is still hard to find - and you know you will be good help!


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