
Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Apparently, DH and I are now "Mom" and "Dad." Not sure exactly when that happened. It's been coming over the last couple of weeks, I guess. It is now almost exclusively Mom and Dad, though. I miss being Mommy! He sounds way too grown up saying "Mom."

Currently feeling: missing Mommy


  1. I felt exactly the same way when Marcus experimented with Mum for a while. But he went back to Mummy again. Maybe Luke will too?

  2. Has he tried the "I'm a big boy now and don't need a car seat anymore." line yet?

  3. Maybe he'll go back.

    DD#1 went back to using Mommy. I'm *still* Mommy (and she's almost 13). And Daddy is still Daddy...

  4. DS has been alternating between Mom Dad and Mamma Dadda for a few weeks. Yeah, I'll miss it too.

  5. Well, you're still Mommy & Daddy to me!

  6. It may not stick; my Luke (almost 8 now...) refers to me as "mom" and his dad as "dad" anytime we're referenced in conversation, but he still calls me "mommy" to my face, after a brief phase of not doing so a couple years ago. They do grow way too fast, though!!


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