
Thursday, January 01, 2009

101 Things in 1001 Days - Version 2.0

Okay, so even if I didn't get all that many of these done the first time around, I still enjoyed it. I enjoyed making the list (it's harder than you think!), I enjoyed marking things off, I enjoyed seeing what things were no longer important by the end of the 1001 days. It was a really interesting journey.

So, I decided to fulfill item 101 on my original list and have another go! I didn't roll over every undone item, since many of them became irrelevant. Others clearly were not working for me, so I didn't see the point setting myself up to fail by attempting them again. Some were reincarnated in slightly different forms. And there are plenty of new things, too. Anyway, here it is:

101 Things in 1001 Days - Version 2.0

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Begin Date: January 1, 2009
End Date: September 29, 2011

Secret Plots
1. Plan and implement "Operation Wellington."

Personal Touch
2. Learn to make cheesecake in a spring form pan.
3. Learn to make a seafood dish (shrimp or fish).
4. Try a new recipe or restaurant every 3 months.
5. Use china and/or crystal once a year.
6. Send an RAK every 3 months.
7. Contribute to a Roth IRA.
8. Correct my tax withholding on my paycheck.
9. Start applying for a new job.
10. Give blood.
11. Weigh less on day 1001 than I did on day 1.

12. Read 15 books, at least one non-fiction.
13. Read a Jane Austin novel.
14. Read an Ayn Rand novel.
15. Read Wuthering Heights.
16. Read a graphic novel.
17. Watch 30 DVDs from Netflix (average about 1 per month).
18. Watch Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth version).
19. See a new (to me) IMAX film.
20. Write up musings on new movies within 14 days.

Hobby Lobby
21. Attend an out of state stitching convention or GTG.
22. Stitch for 25 hours on Midsummer Night's Fairy.
23. Stitch and finish the sun and moon fob from Toronto.
24. Make a snowflake fob.
25. Make 3 new temari, each a new pattern.
26. Learn to set up the sewing machine and sew a straight seam.
27. Take a quilting class.
28. Make a quilt.
29. Learn basic bead stringing.
30. Make a scissor fob with Granny's crystal bead.
31. Take a cake decorating class.
32. Scrap 30 pages, not including CD calendar pages.
33. Have a book of layouts printed (Shutterfly or similar).
34. Make a Christmas card alphabet scrapbook.

Fun and Games
35. List 101 things that make me happy.
36. Eat Japanese Hibachi once a year.
37. Ride a new roller coaster.
38. Ride the Duck Boats at Stone Mountain.
39. See the Christmas lights at Stone Mountain, Lake Lanier, or Callaway Gardens.
40. See a new (to me) Cirque du Soleil show.
41. Take a long trip to Disney World (6 or more consecutive days in FL).
42. Visit Connie in Texas.
43. Visit the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.
44. Visit Oakland Cemetery.
45. Go to the symphony.
46. See a special exhibition at the High Museum.
47. Go to Six Flags.
48. Go to an NBA game.
49. Finish LEGO Star Wars on the Wii.
50. Finish LEGO Indiana Jones on the Wii.
51. Learn to juggle (3 balls for 20 seconds).

Life With Luke
52. Take a picture of Luke each week.
53. Take Luke on MARTA.
54. Take Luke to a MLB game at Turner Field.
55. Take Luke to Medieval Times.
56. Take Luke to play miniature golf.
57. Take Luke to the Atlanta Zoo.
58. Take Luke to the Fernbank Museum.
59. Take Luke to the Fox Theater.
60. Take Luke to the planetarium.
61. Try Luke on Fraggle Rock again.
62. Enroll Luke in a physical class (gymnastics, swimming, etc).
63. Decide whether or not to send Luke to private school.

Neat and Tidy
64. Replace DH's medium blue shirt.
65. Update DH's wardrobe matrix.
66. Have my Holly Hobby quilt repaired.
67. Get new bedding for our bed.
68. Get Hide and Seek custom framed.
69. Update the DVD list every year.
70. Weed out 150 scrapping folders (average about 1 per week).
71. Start using curbside recycling.
72. Clean out my chest of drawers.
73. Clean out my closet.
74. Clean out my dresser.
75. Clean out the guest room dresser.
76. Clean the inside of the windows.
77. Clean the outside of the windows.
78. "De-kitty-fy" the other sofa pillow.

Home Improvement
79. Change foyer light bulb and/or fixture.
80. Have leaking shower head repaired/replaced.
81. Replace kitchen floor.
82. Decide what to do about the carpet, and do it.
83. Decide what to do about the sofa, and do it.
84. Paint interior of house.
85. Paint exterior of house.
86. Have gutters cleaned.
87. Reroute gutter/downspout on front of house.
88. Remove/replace front bushes.
89. Have yard improved (grass or landscaping).
90. Put the house on the market.

Digital Bits
91. Make 12 of my own blinkies.
92. Post at least one photo with each month's round up.
93. Record Superdog and burn all episodes to DVD.
94. Try to recover photos from old computer hard drive.
95. Label/relabel all blog posts.
96. Fix photos/formatting in old blog posts so that the photos show.
97. Revamp my website (change graphics, update template).
98. Decide on a better way to archive Movie Musings.
99. Make and install a favicon on my blog and website.
100. Post a photo or video of at least half of all complete items from this list.
101. Have a new list of 101 things ready by day 1001.

Currently feeling: ready to go again


  1. Wow, good luck with that little lot!

    Happy New Year

  2. You should definitely combine #53 with #54. There are proportionally less strange people, and the spirit is fun. To complete #45, I suggest trying one of the ASO's free concerts at Piedmont Park like "Bark in the Park".

  3. Wow, those are awesome! I'm always tempted to make my own list, but I'm actually afraid to do it. Isn't that stupid?!

    I love it that you have a secret plot as one of your items. :)


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