
Saturday, June 19, 2010

North Carolina Mountains: Days 5 & 6 - Sparklers & Home

Friday was another day of just hanging out and enjoying our surroundings. I actually slept until 9 AM, which was nice. We ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We watered the plants:

We played on the swing:

We had one moment of trauma. Luke had been playing the Wii daily, and we hadn't had a bit of trouble with it, but just before lunch, all of the remotes suddenly decided to unsync themselves. We tried just reconnecting them from the Wii control menu, but that did not work at all. We actually had to look up directions for what to do online, but we did eventually get them all working again. It was so weird!

After making one of our favorite meals for lunch, chicken with dried beef, *everyone* took a nap. The previous day had been a long and busy one, and we wanted to finish off the Morning Glory and the "real" sparklers we had purchased later that evening, hopefully with it being a little bit darker than it had been the previous evening.

We had another deer (or was it the same one) join us for dinner, but Papa accidentally spooked it trying to get to his big camera. It was still just as amazing the second time to see it simply standing in the back yard. Then it was on to the Morning Glory:

Which look like this:

Morning Glory

And the traditional sparklers:

Which look like this:


After tucking a very happy child into bed, the grownups played dominoes until we literally couldn't add anymore, which in this family is saying something. (Forgot to take a picture.) We were only playing double nines, so it shouldn't have been that complicated, but we were all pretty tired, and we had a long day ahead.

Saturday morning was spent mostly packing, but there was time for some fun as well. We took some last minute photos. Dad unearthed some he took of the master bedroom:

And the upstairs sitting room which housed the Wii.

We got the Suburban all packed up without too much trouble. DH did his best to keep Luke entertained once the Wii was back in its travel box. They even invented a new game: sword ball! (Think baseball.)

We ate leftovers for lunch (for those wondering exactly how many hot dogs 5 people needed! LOL), we bagged up the trash, we stripped the linens, and we headed out. Again, there was much sleeping involved, and we passed a horrific crash (thankfully on the other side, but still caused spectator delay) that snarled traffic for miles. We even got home in time to see the fireflies in our own back yard. A magical ending to a most excellent week of mountain vacation!

Currently feeling: thrilled with a most excellent vacation

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a wonderful vacation! The North Carolina mountains are truly stunning, as you have seen, and that house is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Oh my goodness!!! Do you mind if I ask where it was located? You mentioned it being close to Winston-Salem and Virginia, so I was just curious. We just returned from vacation in Naples, FL, where my relatives definitely got the cooler version:-)


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