
Monday, January 05, 2015

2015 WIPocalypse - January 5

My first WIPocalypse post! This is year four, I believe, of the WIPocalypse. "Stitch like it's the end of the world!" It started from an "off the cuff" remark by a friend relating to the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world in December 2012. She decided she'd better work on finishing some of her WIPs (works in progress) if she wanted to get things done "before the end of time." It quickly became "a thing," sort of like an in-joke, and she started an official stitch-along for it and everything. Since the world didn't end, she's kept it going every year since then. Despite having been around for a while now, this is my first year participating! It's just for fun, there aren't any requirements or anything, just a way to remind you to make progress and share the joy. There is also a discussion topic for each post. Posts will occur on (or near) the full moon, so roughly monthly. And here we go!

Topic: Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!

Hi, my name is Erin, and I'm a "streaky stitcher." I'll use all of my free time to stitch for several weeks or months, then I will put it away and not touch it for several weeks or months (or years). I'm hoping that officially participating in the WIPocalypse will help me be more consistent, despite having failed on a few other attempts at other SALs (stitch-alongs, for my non-stitchy friends). Remember, this is my year to "go do," and I really want to make some progress on my Mirabilia fairies, hopefully finishing one by the end of the year. I have a few other things in progress as well. Below is the official WIP list (including one new-start-to-be for 2015) and a current picture of each to use as a progress marker (note: this does not include UFOs, or unfinished objects, that just are not being worked on; there are, um, several of those, too). I reserve the right to alter the list at any time, including adding new things! But these really are the ones I'd like to focus on. All of these images are "fresh," taken January 2, 2015.

Titania, by Mirabilia

Adia, by Mirabilia

Baked Alaska, by Glendon Place

Tiramisu, by Glendon Place

Taj Mahal Mandala, by Chatelaine

So that's it, that's all I've got. I'm hoping to actually make some visible progress on these this year, though I may not stitch on every one in a given period. We'll just see how it goes. Thanks for reading!
Currently feeling: like stitching


  1. Good luck with your WIPs! I really like those Mirabilia ones

    1. Thank you! I really enjoy stitching her designs.

  2. Beautiful projects. Overwhelming for me - one at a time is all I can cope with!

    1. Thank you! I often wish I could do one at a time, but I think my attention span is too short.

  3. I'm still utterly in love with those Glendon Place pieces! And I'm looking forward to your updates this year :)

    1. Thanks! They truly are a pleasure to stitch. If I can ever find the right fabric, I'll be starting a 3rd one....

  4. Love the glendon place projects. Everything looks great ... good luck!

    1. Thanks! The Glendon Place mandalas really are a joy to stitch, and they go quite quickly.

  5. I told DH that I think I might qualify as a "streaky stitcher"...he was disappointed that it didn't mean stitching in the nude. Boys. LOL
    Can't wait to see your progress! (Love the Miras, and I think I have some of her mermaids partly stitched in my cupboard somewhere, but I choose to deny that possibility right now.)

    1. Hahahaha!!! That is too funny! I didn't even consider that "interpretation."

  6. Thank you for stopping by my blog and posting a comment. I would have liked to reply but your e-mail is set to so I'm here. Yes, I hope to get at least parts 2&3 done this year as there are 9 all together for Berlin Woolwork Sampler. I see you are a fan of Mirabilia and what a tease to show a goodie bundle of threads for Taj Mahal Mandala. Can't wait to see your progress!!!

    1. Thanks for letting me know, I will see about fixing my email address. I'm so excited about starting my first ever Chatelaine! I finally ordered the fabric a couple of days ago, so I should be able to start in the next few weeks.

  7. Very nice selection. I love the Glendon Place Dessert series. I want to stitch Red Velvet. Just have to save up for the kit.

    1. I actually have six of the charts, two in progress (as mentioned), everything for Plum Pudding except for fabric, and like you, saving funds for the other three. I just love them so!


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