
Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 2015 Reflections

From the 2011 Year of Memories Brag Book by Dani Mogstad

Click pictures to biggify!

Read, Listened, Watched

Didn't do much reading; I think I finished one Sherlock Holmes short story (still working my way through those). Still hooked on listening to 40s on my satellite radio when I'm home alone (the boys don't seem to have the same appreciation for it that I do).

photo from Facebook
We tried watching Daredevil, but it is incredibly violent (more so than I am generally comfortable with; that is my issue, not the show's problem), and we're not really loving it (or even liking it much, which is a show issue, IMO). The characters are interesting, but I don't like any of them very much. I'll watch "bad" TV if I care about the characters, but I really don't yet after 3 episodes, and I'm not sure I want to sit through any more of it. It makes me sad. I really wanted to like it.

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New Movies:
  • The Rocketeer (new for Luke) - he really liked it! Also his first real experience with Nazis, which made for some "fun" explaining
  • Poseidon - not bad for a remake
  • The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones - interesting, not bad, but not good really; at least I liked (most) of these characters!
  • Living With Lincoln - very interesting HBO documentary about family of scholars who followed/studied Lincoln, starting with the great-great grandfather who was a Union soldier.
  • I tried to watch Bridget Jones's Diary, but I didn't make it more than about 20-30 minutes in. I just could not get into it. I never really experienced that kind of single life, I didn't relate to anyone, and I didn't find any of the characters likable. I tried, I really did. I just found it blah and boring and not worth my time.

Old Favorites: Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Marvel's The Avengers (to prepare for Age of Ultron in May), Thor: The Dark World (not really needed for Ultron), Ender's Game, Edge of Tomorrow, X-Men: Days of Future Past, The LEGO Movie, Die Hard With a Vengeance, Fallen, Pleasantville, Big Hero Six, Up

Fun with Family and Friends

Always fun to visit with BIL and family in NC. I even snuck in a visit with my friend Leah as well, though I don't have a single picture to prove it! SIL managed to take one that has one of hers, one of Leah's, and my one and only in it. Does that count as proof? LOL

Milestones, Holidays, Special Events

Low key Easter spent with BIL and family. Luke also got to spend a whole day with his best friend over spring break (with the friend's mom graciously hosting so I could get some work done in peace; she earned cupcakes for her trouble).

The Everyday and Routine

Rain has certainly become a near-everyday occurrence. I know they say "April showers bring May flowers." If that's true, then all of Atlanta should be carpeted in flowers come May! I shouldn't complain, though, because the rain is helping a lot with my allergies. (Not sure the May flowers will help much, though.)

The Good, The Bad, The Unusual

So, this is new....

Wasn't sure where to put those ("unusual" or "special event"). Definitely good! He looks so cute. And grown up. Yes, clearly, you can do both at the same time! (Because I'm the mom and I said so.)

Luke also caught his first kid-pitched game.

And pitched his first ever game. Walked four straight (I think having an actual batter at the plate really threw him). We'll see if that gets any better. It's hard, though, when both practice and games keep getting rained out!

The discovery that Luke hadn't been turning in homework (that we had taken the time, pain, and agony to do, just couldn't be bothered to turn it in!) was very not good. Nor was the C on his progress report, the second one in a row. We've got to figure out how to nip that in the bud.

Filed under bad for me is allergies. I didn't think it was possible, but they actually got *worse* at the beginning of the month, and even worse when we went to NC, which I truly thought was out of the question. (BTW, 24-hour Allegra only lasts about 22 hours.) I think it was the dogwoods, but I'm not positive. Whatever it was, the several days on either side of Easter were horrid.

Progress on Goals

Goals? What goals? Who said anything about goals? I have no idea what you're talking about.... There was some birthday party planning progress, and I did do a touch of stitching (more on that in the WIPocalypse update in a few days). That's about it.
    Prompts by Katie the Scrapbook Lady.

    Currently feeling: a bit damp

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