
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Greetings from Over the Hill!

*This* is what 40 candles looks like.
Yes, I have officially turned 40! Had a great weekend seeing my parents and mother-in-law. We also simultaneously celebrated my husband's 40th birthday, which will occur in a few days. It was a very nice weekend and a great way to start my 40s.

I thought maybe another good way to kick off my 40s would be to try and come back to blogging. I can't promise it will stick, since it was a combination of school and Luke's over the top Harry Potter birthday party that wore me out last year, followed by some other medium to large events both good and bad. I hope to go back and at least blog about a few things from the last 10 months, since I do rely on my blog somewhat to remind me of what happened when. (I can't tell you the number of times I've searched to remember exactly when Luke broke his arm, or how old he was when he hit 4 feet tall, etc. "I shall consult the blog." LOL) However, there is no big party planned for this year (in fact, it may be the smallest ever), and other than the seismic paradigm shift of starting middle school in a couple weeks (YIKES! how did that happen?!), there hopefully isn't anything else major on the horizon for a while.

So, I'm not sure who is still around. I know blogging in general has really fallen off with Facebook and YouTube and Instagram (which I am doing now! moviemuse76, but it's a private account; the good ones will show up here, though), and even I don't read blogs the way I used to, so I shouldn't be surprised if there isn't anyone left to read mine (besides my mom; hi Mom!). But for those who are still reading, thank you for sticking around! I hope to have at least some occasional things to talk about, and I really do hope to post more often (meaning a couple of times a month, I hope).

I hope you all have had a nice 10 months! I look forward to "seeing" you a bit more often.


  1. Good entry. Nice to hear from you again. Yes, I still read you when you post. You are are on my public list of other blogs (on right side). So hopefully others see it as well. Hope to hear more from you.



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