Monday, February 14, 2011

What is love worth?

It is things like this, ladies and gentlemen, that are the reason Luke has made it to each birthday. Some days, it's dicey whether or not we'll all make it, and then he pulls something like this. (Nana, you might want to have a tissue ready.)

Sunday afternoon, Luke decided he wanted to make Valentine's Day cards for the kitties, DH, and me. It is rare for him to be so engaged in an art project, so we just left him alone until he was finished. He worked on them for a good hour or so. They are precious in and of themselves. Here is my husband's:



The back of my husband's card was blank. And here's mine:




Now, when I was growing up, receiving cards from my grandparents (on both sides) was always great fun, not just for the joy of actually receiving mail as a kid, but because cards from grandparents usually came with an insert of some type. The type of insert varied: a photo, a comic or funny story clipped from the paper, a bookmark, or even money (cash or check, depending on the event).

My parents have continued this tradition with Luke. Thus Luke, naturally, included inserts in our Valentine's Day cards this year. DH got what we believe to be a LEGO Ninjago card (we aren't positive, and I'm sure he will explain it when we "officially" open cards during our family Valentine's Day celebration, which will be Tuesday, February 15, due to my work commitments).



And my card? Well, this is where the tissue comes in. I certainly needed one when I opened my card to find a $1 bill inside. On the one hand, I'm sorry I opened it early; I'm sure he would have liked to see me be surprised (and boy, was I surprised!). On the other hand, I'm glad I did open it early, because I am quite sure that having me burst into tears would have only distressed him! (Not sure he really grasps "happy tears" at this point.)

So, what is love worth? Apparently, it is worth putting one of your own dollars in a handmade card to your mom, because that's what you do when you give a card to someone you love. I've never felt so rich.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Currently feeling: so much love from my son


  1. Oh my goodness, that melts my heart! G regularly makes cards for her daddy, which he loves. We just can't decide if we want to keep each one, or just save certain ones:-) Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Awwww, that brings tears to MY eyes! Never underestimate the significance of raising a young man with a truly good heart. :D

  3. Every time I think about this I "fog up" as my friend used to say. It's just a little insight into many love gestures to come.

  4. Okay, now you've made me cry.

    Those are going to be some very precious cards - and an especially precious dollar. What a gorgeous boy you've got.


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