Happiness is permanent. It is always there.Speaking of the bad passing, Luke is doing much better. Thank you to all who have asked about him and sent well wishes. He even took his medicine without more than a token fuss this morning. I can't say that he was opening his mouth like a bird, but I didn't have to force his jaws open either. It was a nice change this morning. Let's hope it lasts through Wednesday (his last day for meds).
What comes and goes is unhappiness.
If you identify with what comes and goes, you will be unhappy.
If you identify with what is permanent and always there,
you are happiness itself.
Papaji, 1910-1997 ~ Indian Spiritual Teacher
Happy Friday everyone! Wishing you all a most excellent weekend.
Currently feeling:

Glad to hear Luke is feeling better. I like the quote too - gives you something to think about.