Greetings movie fans! LOL Sorry, I couldn't help it. That's how I start all of my Movie Musings newsletters. As most of you know, I write my own movie reviews. I realized this week that I have officially been sending them out to friends and family for 7 years now. I know, I couldn't believe it either!! As mentioned in my last news letter (but not on my blog, I don't think), Geocities is shutting down sometime this year. I haven't seen a firm date yet, but I figured I had better get all of my archived reviews off of there before they disappeared. I've been thinking for a while now that I needed a better way to archive them, preferably something with a search function. You know, something more like a blog where each one is stored as its own entry. I even made it one of my
101 Things, and that was before I knew about the Geocities shutdown that forced my hand.
So this week, I finally bit the bullet and created a blog here on Blogspot to hold all of my old musings, and the new ones of course. The very original URL for this new site is: All previous entries (all 155 of them!) are now on the site. An additional advantage of having them on a blog is that you can now get new musings via RSS feed. I will still send out the email newsletter (drop me an email if you want to start receiving them: moviemusings AT yahoo DOT com), which does sometimes include some extra tidbits of information, but the actual reviews will also be on the new site. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks!
And if you would like a direct link to the latest musing on the Disney/Pixar film
just click!
Currently feeling:
like flying
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