Saturday, my parents came up. There was some debate on Friday with him sick, but they came on, figuring they could just stay with my grandmother if he was still ill. Since he was clearly better (though not 100%), they decided it was worth the risk, as it had been 6-7 weeks since they had seen him. We met them at Longhorn for lunch, then the men-folk took the about-to-fall-over tired child home to nap, while the women-folk went shoe shopping! I desperately needed shoes for my BIL's wedding, and I bought these. Okay, so Mom bought them for me, but still. I tried on several, but these were the most comfortable. There was another pair (these) that would have been "better" style-wise for the dress, but not for me to be standing around in for several hours. Had I been simply attending the wedding, then leaving (like a normal guest), then I may have gone for those (though the ones I actually got are more versatile). But, as the best man's wife, I'll be there early and have to stay late, so I needed something comfortable, and the taller heels were not it!
Then we went to Target looking for a new car seat. I know, bad parents! We hadn't replaced his yet. And Target didn't have any that I liked in stock. But they did have this necklace that goes perfectly with my dress for the wedding! I got some coordinating earrings as well, but I don't see a photo of them on the website. Just hoops with small alternating marquis-shaped metal sections and marcasite stones. Oh, and I got a new straw hat for Disney, since my 4-year-old one is falling apart. My straw hats take a lot of abuse (crammed in backpacks, etc), so 4 years is doing quite well! Then, since the child was still asleep at home, we went on to Toys 'R Us to look at their car seats.
So, just for Melissa, since she asked me about it in comments, here is the one we got: Eddie Bauer Laurelhurst Booster Car Seat (in gray, as shown; they had it in brown/tan as well). I still can't believe he is big enough for a booster (albeit still with the harness in it), but it seemed silly to get a convertible that only goes up to 35-40 pounds, when he already weighs 34! And this one does convert from a harness to a seat-belt adjuster type. He just looks so small in it! He seems to like it, though.
That covers Saturday's purchases. Well, except for the movie tickets. We went to see Music & Lyrics. I know, not the type thing we would normally pick with all the other options out there that we haven't seen yet, but let me tell you. We saw the preview before Pursuit of Happyness, and we were *rolling.* It was SOOOO funny! Now, it was even funnier the way they spliced it together for the trailer than it was in the movie itself, but still. If you aren't familiar with 80s music, it is still enjoyable, but probably not quite as funny. Anyway, it was so sweet! It is a chick flick/rom-com, and it does it well and with class, and is completely unapologetic about it. We liked it a lot, and it was just the type of fluff film we were after. And now we both have that song stuck in our heads! "I said I wasn't gonna lose my head, but then POP! goes my heart...." If you'd like to get it stuck in YOUR head, please click here (should be the first song snippet that plays). I think I'll have to get the soundtrack for DH as a joke. But I bet we'll both listen to it anyway! LOL Full movie review for my Movie Musings readers sometime this week.
So, full Saturday there. Sunday, we took my parents to our new little Italian place, Artuzzi's. They seemed to like it, though not as much as we do. We tried Luke on pizza, but he wasn't interested. Not sure if he would be if he wasn't sick or not (he's still pretty new and quite picky about his pizza, and he'd never had it there before). I thought his pizza was really yummy though! LOL And he did eat a breadstick (typical for him). Then we hit the mall, intending to buy new shoes for Luke. How can a $40 pair of kids sneakers not last six months!! Sheesh. And we suspected he needed a bigger size anyway, which he did, but just barely. And the chick at the store could not have been less helpful if she tried (practically had to beg her to measure his foot, didn't want to see if they had shoes in stock in his size, etc), so we just left. We ordered his shoes online at Zappos instead. Their loss! (BTW, when Zappos says overnight shipping, they're not kidding! I ordered them yesterday at 6:15 PM, and they just arrived. It is 3:12 PM, not even 24 hours later.) And while we were out, I glanced through Sears and found a great top for the rehearsal. I have something that would have worked, but I like this much better. It is a very lightweight cream sweater with a cascade of pearl and iridescent beads of varying sizes and shapes cascading down one shoulder and across to mid-sternum, with a small patch of beads at each sleeve end. Mom found it on the clearance rack for $10! How could I not get it? Well, and a camisole to go under it. Then back home, I cooked dinner, we put the still-tired kidlet to bed, and my parents left to go visit Mom's mom in Covington.
Yesterday, daycare was closed for a staff development day, so Luke was home again (4th day in a row). But as I said earlier, he ate 2.5 waffle sheets, so he was clearly all better (or mostly so). We got him a haircut, which was an event. Not thinking that the rest of the schools are also out, there was an hour wait at the kids' salon!! He did extremely well while waiting, though, only getting unruly with about 5 minutes to go before his turn, and even then not nearly as bad as some of the other kids. Came home, Luke napped while DH went to get his hair cut in preparation for the wedding. A pleasantly busy weekend all around. Thanks to Mom and Dad for shopping with us!
Currently feeling:

Ooooh, now I really have to see Music & Lyrics. Both DH and I really want to see it and your review made me really want to go now. :)
ReplyDeleteGlad Luke is feeling better and no longer barfy! :)
Whoa!! Great to know that Luke is Ok now. And good that you enjoyed shopping..Mommies can enjoy shopping only when kids are at home..
ReplyDeleteHave to watch Music & Lyrics as soon as I can land its DVD.
Thanks for indulging me! We have one of those seats (in MIL's car) - it is very nice. She's in a Britax Regent in my car (her main seat).