But, this layout was very important to me, even if it isn't the most artistic, so I wanted to put it here. I'm sure you'll understand why. The text of the layout is listed below the credits, since I know it is way too tiny to read on the picture.

A Love Note to Shadow
"A Love Note to Shadow
Dear Baby Girl,
We had no idea we would lose you so early. You were with us for almost 9 years, our faithful companion, The Good Kitty. We saved you from the pet store in September after we got married. You were sick, though we didn't know it, and it took $1000 worth of care to save you. Your sister was sadly not so fortunate. We still miss Gypsy. I can't imagine how long we will miss you. You slept on our pillows, you climbed the Christmas tree. You got lost in the shadows your first night with us, earning your name. You ate an entire Arby's roast beef sandwich all by yourself when you were just a kitten. You faithfully served as a fantasy baseball GM, Wall Spirit Shaman, Dragon Ninja, and President of the Kitty Financial Committee. You took on two new kittens in your domain with virtually no protest, and you all became fast friends, though there was no denying that you were Queen Bee of the house, keeping both "the kittens" and the new Orange Kitty in check. Without you, Bengal and Tigger would never have accepted Cleo as a member of the team. You also paved the way for The Red Kitty's acceptance. You worried about him and guarded him as an infant, and you generally tolerated him as a toddler, even after he snatched your tail right out of mid-air during a jump. You sure loved your milk and your Blizzards, and your mind powers were amazing, because just by staring, you knew you would get at least a sip or a bite. I had never heard the term "pastel tortoise shell calico" before we had you. All we knew was that you were beautiful. Your bright green eyes, your tiny head, your cute little black nose, and your too-long tail that wrapped around your paws as you sat.
Goodbye, Baby Girl. Thank you for being with us. We miss you terribly.
With love always,
Steve, Erin, Luke, Bengal, Tigger, and Cleo"
Currently feeling:

{{Erin}} You scrapped it beautifully.