Blinkie by: Jo's Blinkie Obsession (no longer active)
Monthly Round Up idea borrowed from Katie the Scrapbook Lady.
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Parenting magazine is about it. I just can't get into any books at the moment. Believe me, I keep trying!
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Lots! At the theater: The Forbidden Kingdom, Get Smart, Hancock, Kung Fu Panda, Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Hellboy II. On DVD: Miss Potter, Enchanted, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. TV: Meet the Robinsons (the Disney movie), Curse of the Golden Flower, The Closer (so glad it's back on!), Mythbusters (new season starting), and Mad Men (we'll see if they hit a sophomore slump or not), plus still watching In Plain Sight and Law & Order: Criminal Intent (which seems to be getting better/back to normal; I was worried there for a while).
What special days did I celebrate and how?
DH and I celebrated 10 years of marriage! We went away for the weekend and spent loads of time in the movie theater, which explains that rather expansive list of films up there. Our anniversary is July 4, so that's how we spent the holiday. July is also my birthday month; I turned 32.
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
We received the gift of time from family and friends. My parents came and stayed with Luke so we could go away for our anniversary, and my friend Ginny came and stayed with Luke (well, sat in our living room while he slept) so we could go see The Dark Knight on opening weekend. Tangible gifts are great, but the gift of time is equally precious. The diamond journey pendant DH gave me is pretty spiffy, though. The chain was pretty tiny, so I spent my birthday money on a new one. We also agreed to get satellite radio; I just need to decide on a receiver. And squeeking in under the wire, DH came home the evening of July 31 with roses for me. You have to understand, he's only brought me flowers two other times in the nearly 14 years we've been together! That was a shocker. I'm sure it is related to the fact that I bought myself some flowers last week (hey, they were on sale for less than $5, right by the checkout at the grocery store), but still!
And how could I forget? (I think I was still reeling from the flowers, LOL.) I received Firefly on DVD from my best bud in AZ, and LEGO Indiana Jones from my long-time best friend in Texas. Not sure how to tell her we already have it. I think I just won't mention it.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
Luke got over his terrible cold from last month, just in time to give it to me for our anniversary. I was *so* sick, it was terrible. Couldn't breathe, had to carry tissue everywhere I went, kept coughing, and sounded like I'd swallowed a frog. Sooo romantic (rolls eyes).
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Besides go to the movies? LOL We were supposed to attend a wedding, but I didn't feel well. Nothing else exciting this month.
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
This is another case of not really being new, but it's a place I haven't eaten in at least 10 years, maybe 15: Fuddruckers. There is one just up the road from us, near places we eat all the time. We just never went, for some reason. But my parents ate there recently, so we tried it again. Wow, was that a good burger! We just might have to start going again.
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Garage door springs! That's not something you buy every day. Nor do you usually have them installed at 9 PM on a Saturday, but we did.
What were this month's disappointments?
Well, my boss's transfer was put on hold. Disappointing for her, but great for those of us who work for her. We found out the last week of July that it had finally gone through, though. She leaves Sept 1. Good for her, but sad for us. In general, work did not go well, through no fault of ours. Some acceptance testing has delayed about 30 projects, but there is nothing to be done about it except manage the fall out and do the best we can to get them done as quickly as possible once testing is complete. So things are largely at a lull right now, which we will pay for dearly come September (when testing is scheduled to complete and all held projects can start to proceed in a cascade).
What were my accomplishments this month?
Did I really accomplish anything? Nothing distinct comes to mind. How sad.
What were Luke's accomplishments this month?
We finished yet another sticker chart for pooping on the potty, this time earning an Indiana Jones figure set. No, he hasn't seen the movies, but he was very insistent about wanting the ghost (I haven't the faintest clue why, so don't ask). He did fine for about a week after, we had a few issues again, but the seem to have resolved. I really don't want to have to do *another* sticker chart. Let's see, we're also working on not stealing. Okay, that's a little harsh. He tends to bring home small toys from school in his pockets. If it happened just every once in a while, I could believe it was accidental, but more days than not for 2 weeks tells me it is at least somewhat intentional. So we talked about not taking things that aren't ours, and we also now do a pocket check before we leave school. Now we just need to work on looking at the person who is speaking to you (particularly when you are in trouble) to show that you are listening, and we'll be doing well. (Mom, stop laughing!)
Anything else noteworthy to record?
We were under a boil water advisory for my birthday. That was fun. Oh, and my brother finally closed on his house! He's moving to become a professor.
Currently feeling: