DH took me to see Iron Man 3 on Friday. We enjoyed it! It is different from the other two, but not in a bad way. More on that later, in a separate post. We also had our new mattresses delivered (the ones that should have arrived on Monday, but were damaged, so they had to manufacture and ship new ones).

Saturday, we met up with some friends who were visiting from Denmark with their new little one. It was so great to see Matt and Cyndi, and to meet the adorably precious Jake. I even wore real cute shoes (not ugly boots) for the event! It's like I'm a real (semi-)fashionable person again.

Luke played his last soccer game for this season and received his first "person trophy." He was very excited!

Sunday turned out to be a bit more interesting than we intended or anticipated. The boys took me to a nice dinner at Longhorn. When we went to pay, DH discovered that he didn't have his debit card with him. Apparently, he had left it in his shorts from running errands that morning, but had changed into jeans before dinner (Longhorn has a tendency to be cool inside). Since I was just cleared to drive on Thursday, I did not drive to dinner, and thus, I had not brought my wallet, so I didn't have my card either. Um, now what? There was only one thing to do: the boys left me as collateral for our Mother's Day meal and went home to get DH's card! LOL I sat in the lobby with our check, waiting for them to get back. It didn't take long, maybe 15 minutes. Would have been faster without the pouring rain. We were all just embarrassed, but it worked out fine.

I received several cards, including one "from the cats." (The card at the top left is actually a cute get well card from my parents about my ankle.) I also received a new digital photo frame from DH, and Luke gave me a planter that they made at Cub Scouts. It has rosemary seeds planted in it. I'll post a picture when they sprout (package says about 2 weeks). All in all, an excellent day!
Currently feeling:

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