Blinkie by: Pinky Blinkies
Sorry. I am way late with the February review. As Kelli so accurately pointed out, seems like every time I post, someone has been sick! I assure you, no one is more tired of that than I (note my good grammar for my English-teacher friend). And even if you don't want to read the whole thing, scroll down to the bottom of this post; Luke's school portraits came in, and they are wonderful!
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
I finally finished Inkheart. I was a bit disappointed with the ending, but it was still interesting. Never did start anything else, though Inkspell (the sequel) has been toted to various places since then. I just haven't cracked the cover open yet! I know, it's so sad.
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Oh, we saw Music & Lyrics (in the theater the weekend it opened, IIRC!). It was very sweet, we both really liked it, and I purchased the soundtrack special just for our up-coming trip to Florida. Television was the usual, though I think Rules of Engagement (new sit-com starring Patrick Warburton, Oliver Hudson, and David Spade) might be new since January. I can't remember when we started watching that one. But we love Patrick Warburton, and it does make us laugh, which is more than I can say for most comedies these days. Besides that one, "just" High Stakes Poker, House, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Criminal Minds, CSI:NY, CSI, ER, Shark, and NUMB3RS.
What special days did I celebrate and how?
I think we went to Wendy's for Valentine's Day. Oooo, exciting, no? The point was for me not to have to cook and DH not to have to wash dishes, so for that, it served its purpose. Other than the first year we were married when he gave me jewelry (the only piece of jewelry he's ever picked out for me all by himself, and that includes my engagement ring!), we don't make a big deal out of Valentine's Day. Just cards, maybe some candy or a stuffed animal (not even those this year, though I did get the Josh Groban Hallmark CD), and dinner out, yes even if it is just Wendy's.
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
Hrm.... I don't really recall any. Boy, I'm getting lame!
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
Oh, good heaven's yes! I think we were all sick at some point or another. I know I was on antibiotics for that lung thing that *finally* went away. Luke had some stomach virus that almost prevented my parents from visiting. DH was coming down with something, but didn't actually get *sick* until March 1, so that will have to wait a month (well, okay, 3 weeks).
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
We have got to be the most boring people in the world. We pretty much did nothing. Luke had fun playing in the cooler like it was a treasure chest or hidey-hole. He and DH also built their first fort in the living room (using the cooler as one compartment. Wait, I think I have a picture (his Nemo table is holding up the lid of the cooler, it's just hidden by the blanket):

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Once again, I failed here. I had really good intentions, I promise, it just didn't actually happen.
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Tons! You can read the whole detailed report of my most major single shopping trip, but there were others as well. We got new hinges for the garage door so it would close (though we technically didn't have to pay for those), I got shoes and a blouse (sweater, really) and jewelry for the wedding, we bought Luke a new car seat and a complete summer wardrobe including two pairs of shoes (my first time using Zappos.com, and I will use them again!!), and last but certainly not least, I got new glasses for the first time in 5-6 years.
What were this month's disappointments?
I don't really recall any specific ones. We thought Luke was starting to wake up in the middle of the night again, but that turned out to be him getting sick. There were some frustrations, but no major disappointments.
What were my accomplishments this month?
Not sure there were any of those, either. We got prepped for the wedding, and we survived. I hardly scrapped (2 layouts, I think, one of which was actually completed in January) or did anything else useful.
Anything else noteworthy to record?
Luke had his first ever school portraits made! I cannot believe how grown up he looks. They turned out really great. Wanna see? (Of course you do! LOL They just arrived today.)

Currently feeling:

Luke is looking so grown up! The photos are fabulous and the backgrounds are WOW!! Specially the first one!
ReplyDeleteI forgot how fun building a fort is! We'll do that with M.
Oh your little guy is SO darling!!! I enjoyed reading your last post, you sound like you have an excellent sense of humor. My kind of gal LOL! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well.
ReplyDeleteLuke's pics are adorable! :) They do grow up fast don't they? Katie's teacher is already pushing that we should move her to the 3yr old room (she isn't 3 til May, but she is potty-trained, so they want to move her) I'm not ready for her to be 3!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie that son of yours is! Those school portraits rock!
ReplyDeleteWow! He is a darling!! Very adorable!! The potraits are absolutely fabulous. My daughter N said - He is cute!! She is 4.
ReplyDeleteThanks for going thru my blog.
Great photos of Luke!!
ReplyDeleteHe's such a cutie! What great pictures. :) Sorry to hear about all the illness though :(