Once again, I think I'll borrow that meme format that was running around a few years ago and post a short excerpt from the first "real" (i.e. not a monthly round up) post of each month, followed by a very short (for me) actual monthly events recap. Should be interesting to see what all I forgot about! And if you missed the 2007 Pictoral Review,
you can find it here.
The 2007 Blogging Year in Review Instructions: take the first sentence (or 2) from the first post of each month of 2007. That's your year in review.January, First Post: I may or may not post a Christmas update. It was long, it was wonderful, it was full of family and fun, I actually saw two movies at the theater, and I ignored the computer for almost two weeks! But I have been sitting on this for almost two months now, so I'm ready to share. (First ever CD calendar revealed)January, Recap: A double ear infection for Luke, a reminder that he was virtually not talking at all (what happened to *that* kid?!), and my Camry flipped 100,000 miles.February, First Post: Okay, look folks. I watched this year's Super Bowl for two reasons. #1: The commercials, which were not worth the time. #2: Because the first part of a 2-part episode of Criminal Minds is showing immediately afterward. But only if the CBS people will ever SHUT UP!! (can you tell I'm not a football fan? LOL)February, Recap: My first month doing the monthly round up, garage door malfunction fixed by the amazing Home Depot lady who gave us the parts for free, more speech therapy woes, broke Luke's carseat and bought a new one, Luke started having sleep problems (probably nightmares), and I got new glasses for my age-related *improved* eyesight.March, First Post: DH is sick. As in
type sick. He's been in bed all day, which is not like him at all. (This was 2 days before BIL's wedding.)March, Recap: DH got dreadfully sick right before BIL's wedding, but recovered in time for the beautiful wedding that went very well, Luke finally had a normal hearing test and much improvement in the talking arena, Luke's first visit to Georgia Tech and Zesto's, went to Disney and had a blast (a trip recapped in several looooong installments, one of which was never finished), then we lost Shadow (which still hurts even today).April, First Post: Friday morning unfolded much like Thursday: wake at 7, waffles, sunscreen, etc, except for two things. (Disney trip report on MGM Studios.)April, Recap: Finished up the long Disney recap except for the baseball game chapter that I lost while posting, another ear infection, Luke climbing out of his crib, snow (yes, in April!), stitches in his finger, finding out my contract would not be renewed as I had been told, a possible tornado that downed some huge branches and trees, his speech evaluation, the first signs of potty training progress (though not much since then!), and worry about the south Georgia wildfires possibly causing my grandfather to evacuate.May, First Post: We just got back from seeing Spider-Man 3. (Yes, we really did. Caught the 9:15 AM showing. There were maybe 10 people there; it was heaven!)May, Recap: Saw Spider-Man 3 and Pirates 3, *another* ear infection for Luke, though he did finally make the leap to using more actual words than just gestures and grunts, took Luke to the beach, found Jacob an apartment in Atlanta, and Luke progressed to pull-ups, June, First Post: I don't really have anything much to say at the moment. I'm really tired, a combination of that minor medical issue of mine and the fact that I am definitely coming down with something.June, Recap: Yet more continued mis-adventures of trying to get Luke into speech therapy, this time his being left off the waiting list, DH's cousin got drafted by a MLB team, our washing machine hose burst and flooded the kitchen the morning of my best friend's baby shower, and she missed her own shower due to delayed flights, so I threw together a last minute one for the next day; Jacob finally made it to Atlanta to stay, Luke started counting and finally learned to pedal his tricycle, and I *thought* I had a new contract lined up with my former boss.July, First Post: Something I've never seen before:
My husband's chin! Apparently, this was his twisted idea of an early anniversary gift. (DH accidentally shaved half his goatee off.)July, Recap: DH shaved off all of his facial hair for my first (and most likely only) look at his entire face, we celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary, we rediscovered Piccadilly, we were officially told that Luke needed ear tubes, Luke broke his arm, the final Harry Potter novel was released, and I turned 31.August, First Post: It has been one of THOSE days. I've had a long hard week since 8 AM on Monday, and it's not even 4 PM on Monday. The new contract has hit a snag *again*.... (found out about the 90 day wait for the new contract position)August, Recap: The wait for the new contract and the end of the old (both unexpected), DH turned 31, Luke finally had his tubes put in, and even better Luke finally started speech therapy!!, I bought myself a new wedding band (that I still adore), we took Luke to the beach again, I attended my cousin's wedding, and it was just a hot and miserable month.September, First Post: Roadkill: That's about what I feel like right now. Had a great holiday weekend, then came last night. Be back when I'm feeling semi-human, but it may be a few days.September, Recap: I (obviously) started off the month very sick, I found out I am going to be an aunt, my best friend gave birth to a lovely little girl, Luke's sleep issues started in earnest, the clothes dryer died, we started watching Heroes, we visited both DH's uncle and his grandmother (both long overdue visits), and Luke started branching out a very little bit with his eating habits.October, First Post: If you had told me this morning that I would have been to three different stores and would still be short one roll of royal blue crepe streamers, I would have thought you were crazy. (my last minute scramblings for Luke's 3rd birthday party)October, Recap: The Blue's Clues themed party went quite well, we went to a community block party for kids where Luke got to see a firetruck up close, Luke had a sinus infection that developed into an ear infection (because they wouldn't believe me and just give him the antibiotics, which caused even more problems later), I redesigned my blog to its current form, we got new cell phones and had Luke's portrait made in the shirt my grandmother made for my father, we discovered that there is mold under the flooring in the kitchen from the great washing machine hose flood, Luke's sleep problems continued and made me really very upset but thankfully didn't last long, we realized we absolutely needed to move him to a big boy bed, and we took the cutest puppy-dog ever trick-or-treating on Halloween. November, First Post: That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you virtually real-time blogging. In less than 60 seconds, I went from "witnessing" the event to blogging it. (Luke fell out of bed for the first time.)November, Recap: We finally made the switch from the crib to a "big boy bed," Luke's skill overtook mine at playing LEGO Star Wars, someone stole the emblem off the front of my car while it was at the dealer for repairs, we finally went to the Georgia Aquarium, the offer for my delayed contract was finally *officially* extended and accepted, Dad had shoulder surgery, Luke had his 3 year well visit and is officially huge (though actually *on* the chart for a change at the 95th percentile), Luke arrived in Brunswick with an ear infection which prompted us to have to try and find local care and coverage 300 miles away from home, and we spent Thanksgiving shuttling my grandfather to and from Brunswick (but it was totally worth it).December, First Post: Well that's just peachy. Our desktop just died. We were going to buy a new one, probably as a joint birthday gift to ourselves next year. All it had to do was last 9 more months!December, Recap: Our desktop tried to die but somehow managed a miraculous recovery, we witnessed a fugitive run through our neighbor's back yard and called 911, the temperature hit 80 degrees (yes, in December!), I made an impulse buy of a Christmas tree and ornaments, we accidentally stumbled onto a Wii console in stock, so we bought it and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga to play on it, I actually started work on my new contract, Luke pooped on the potty for the first time but seems to have digressed since then, we did the Holiday in Lights at Centennial Park but were disappointed, we had a house full of family for Christmas, we cooked way too much good food, and we rang in the new year quietly at home, just us.Currently feeling:
Wow... what a year.