"Well begun is half done," says Mary Poppins. And half done is probably about the *best* I can hope for at the moment. I realized that I am now at 101 days left and counting in the 101 Things in 1001 Days process. I'm only at 40% complete right now, and I'm not even sure I can make 50% by the deadline. How sad is that! Funny how completing a single item on that list (#15. Rejoin the workforce) managed to wipe out any small amount of momentum I may have had. And I'll admit, some of them were overly ambitions (and I knew that at the time, but it was worth a try). Several are so far gone that even if I tried, I couldn't complete them (#71. Read one of Shakespeare's sonnets every month; I've read exactly 1).
It is very interesting to see how my life and priorities have changed since that list was made. Most obvious is Luke; he was 18 months old when I wrote it up, and he will turn 4 next month! I asked on my BB how everyone else is doing on their lists, and several people mentioned that they felt the need to revamp their list due to changes in their circumstances or life focus. Personally, I think that is part of the point, to look back across the nearly three year time span and see what still matters and what doesn't. I think it will be interesting to see how my next list holds up. Oh yes, there will be a next list! You'll just have to wait for its debut in 2009.
Currently feeling:
counting down
I wondered how all of these lists would go as time went by. I get a complex if I publicly set goals and can't publicly meet them, so I avoided doing the list in the beginning :) Maybe next time.